April 11th & 12th, 2025

National Conference on

Advancing Equity and Inclusion: A Pathway to Achieving SDGs for Healthier Future Generations

Organized by


international healthcare conference


Format for Abstract Submission details on Conference website

Note: Abstract Submission is available only to registered delegates. Kindly follow the guidelines for submission; else, your request may not be considered.

Healthcare Conferences

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES for Poster and Oral Presentation

  • Abstracts are invited for Poster and Oral presentations from registered delegates only for SYMHEALTH 2023
  • Categories for abstract submission under the Faculty of Health Sciences are as follows: Health Sciences, Sport Sciences, Medical Sciences, Nursing Sciences, and Health Care,
  • The delegates will be asked for the registration ID/ Employment ID (For SIU Faculty only) at the time of abstract submission. Therefore, the delegates are requested to register before abstract submission to avoid last-minute confusion. The abstract will not be considered for review and further presentation in the event of a registration failure.
  • The official language of the Conference is English. The editorial committee will not process abstracts, which are not in English.
  • Font: Times New Roman; Font size:12
  • The abstract submitted must not have been presented at any previous conclave/ conference/seminar or published in any scientific journal. If found to be already published/presented, the abstract will be rejected.
  • The first abstract will be accepted for review if a similar abstract has been submitted more than once.
  • Each presenting author may submit only ONE abstract.
  • Abstracts should be submitted through the online form available on the Conference website ( Abstracts sent by any other mode (e-mail, post or fax etc.) will not be processed by the scientific committee and will not be reviewed or acknowledged.

Abstract Format
Title: Short and concise that indicates the content of the abstract.
Abstract frame: Abstracts must be structured as follows:
Experimental/Clinical research: Keywords, Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Discussion / Conclusion / Future Directions.

Word limit: Maximum number of words as per the word limit in respective tabs both for experimental and clinical research as well as for case reports/ series without any diagrams, charts, footnotes, or references, excluding the title and authors and affiliation.

Safety/Ethics/Clinical trials: All abstracts submitted for oral and poster presentations (except case report/series) must provide approval number regarding radiation/biosafety under the safety tab; regarding involvement of human subjects, experimental animals and usage of primary stem cells under the ethics tab ; specifications regarding clinical trials under the clinical trials tab.

Presenting Author:

  • The presenting author must be a registered delegate.
  • Presenting author’s name and affiliation(s) should clearly be stated. The name of the authors should be in initials with the surname. Ex: Ramesh Chandra Misra: R C Mishra
  • The name of presenting author should be in Bold and Underlined
  • The presenting author should submit an abstract.
  • The editorial committee will communicate with the presenting author through the e-mail address entered in the online submission form.
  • In case the presenting author is not the corresponding author, details of corresponding author (such as name with an Asterix (*) against it, affiliation and email id) must be mentioned on the poster. For oral presentations the details of the corresponding authors could be provided at the under of the presentation under acknowledgement/thank you slide.

Abstract Submission Closing Dates
The abstract submission system will close on XXX date at midnight Indian Standard Time.

Review and Acceptance of Abstracts

  • The abstract will be reviewed by a panel of reviewers and will be accepted for a POSTER/ORAL presentation or sent back to the presenting author for modifications or rejected. The authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process by XXX date.
  • The SYMHEALTH 2023 editorial committee reserves the right to change the presentation mode and even the categories as deemed fit.
  • The decision of the editorial committee of SYMHEALTH 2023
  • will be regarded as final.
  • Publication rights: By submitting an abstract, the authors give the right to the conference organizers to publish the abstract in an abstract book/CD. The presenting author must enter the co-authors’ names and affiliations when submitting the abstract online.

Guidelines for Poster presentation

  1. The size of the Poster should be - 3 feet in height and 3 feet in width.
  2. Title: Times New Roman, Font size- 45-50 pts, Bold
  3. Author(s): Full name in Times New Roman, Font size- 45-50 pts, Bold and Italics.
  4. Author(s) Affiliation: Name of the Institute, Designation and contact details in Times New Roman, Font size- 45-50 pts [Indicate the corresponding author by asterix (*) and the presenting author in bold and underlined].
  5. The poster should include Abstract/Background (preferably short), Methodology (preferably short), Results (preferably elaborate), Discussion/Future Directions (preferably short), Graphical Summary (if applicable), Ethics and Funding statements (if applicable) and not more than 3 references, Font size- 35-40 pts.
  6. Including tables, graphs, images, and QR codes (3 min Audio File) is highly appreciated.
  7. The poster can be prepared electronically using Microsoft PowerPoint or any designing software.
  8. Logo of “SYMHEALTH 2023” should be added on the top-right-hand of the poster.

Guidelines for Oral Presentation:
Total seven slides (excluding the Title and Acknowledgement/Thank you slides) covering the following points

  1. Title: Times New Roman, Font size- 25 pts, Bold.
  2. Logo of “SYMHEALTH 2023 ” should be added on the title slide.
  3. Author(s): Full name in Times New Roman, Font size- 18 pts, Bold and Italics
  4. Author(s) Affiliation: Name of the Institute, Designation and contact details in Times New Roman, Font size- 16 pts (Indicate the corresponding author by * and the presenting author in bold and underlined)
  5. Introduction/Rationale of study, Methodology, Results, Discussion/Way forward/Novelty of the study and not more than 3references.
  6. The inclusion of tables, graphs, and images is highly encouraged.
  7. The presentation should be made in a PPT format.
  8. Time details: 10 mins for the presentation and 5 mins for the Q-A session.

Online Abstract Submission

Select Presentation mode:

  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation

Abstract Type

  • Experimental research
  • Clinical research

Safety/Clinical trials/Ethics tabs

Safety: [dropdown window enlisting ‘Yes’ and ‘No’]. When you click on ‘Yes’ then dropdown window enlisting ‘biosafety’ and ‘radiation’. On selection of any provide space for writing the ‘approval number’. If No then closed.

Clinical trials: [dropdown window saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’]. If ‘Yes’ then provide space for writing the ‘approval number’. If ‘No’ then closed.

Ethics: [dropdown window saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If ‘Yes’ then dropdown window enlisting ‘Human’, ‘Animal’ and ‘Stem cells’. On selection of any provide a space for writing the ‘approval number’. If ‘No’ then closed.

  • Categories for Abstract Submission: [drop down window enlisting the various categories such as health sciences, sports sciences, Medical Sciences, Nursing Sciences, and health care.]
  • Title: [ window with 20-word limit]
  • 3 to 6 Keywords: [window with 20-word limit]
  • Background/ Introduction: [ window with 40-word limit]
  • Methodology: [ window with 55-word limit]
  • Results: [ window with 125-word limit]
  • Discussion / Conclusion / Future Directions: [ window with 40-word limit]
  • Authors and co-authors information with affiliation.
  • Terms and conditions:
    1. I have read and understood the abstract submission guidelines. [tick]
    2. I understand that the selection of my abstract is subject to evaluation by SYMHEALTH 2023 committee and I will abide by their decision. [ tick]
  • Submit [click]
  • Automatically generated e-mail for acknowledgement of receipt of abstract.

Important Dates

16th February 2023

Call for abstract submission open

25th March 2023

Last date for submission of abstracts

31st March 2023

Communication for Acceptance/Rejection of abstracts

10th April 2023

Communication for decision on Oral/ Poster Presentation

28th & 29th April 2023

Conference dates